The Institute of Taxation Research and Wayne Levick

The Institute of Taxation Research was formed in 1998, promising that one could make any tax liability voluntary if they used their services. The strategy centered around the proposition that the taxation legislation is invalid, as the whole legal system has no basis in law and the Constitution is invalid, so there is no basis … Continue reading The Institute of Taxation Research and Wayne Levick

Ulysses and Child Support Registrar [2007] FamCA 1395

In Ulysses and Child Support Registrar [2007] FamCA 1395 the appellant contended that the current legal and political system in use in Australia and its States and Territories was not legitimate as it is not recognized by majority referendum, that it was invalid by Order 1 and 2 of the United Nations Charter, as it … Continue reading Ulysses and Child Support Registrar [2007] FamCA 1395

Best v Police [2015] SASC 190

Best v Police [2015] SASC 190 The appellant contended that the trial should not have proceeded ex-parte, that the Magistrates Court is not a court of competent jurisdiction; the device used to measure his speed did not meet the National Measurement Act 1960 (Cth) and the certificates of accuracy were invalid and the method of testing it by the … Continue reading Best v Police [2015] SASC 190

Mike Holt (CIR NOW)

Mike Holt runs the CIR NOW website, (citizens initiated referendum now) and several other blogs and accounts, such as The Bloody Aussie Battler (which also has a YouTube channel), and Advance Australia. These websites are full of OPCA related content, pseudo legal myths, and constitutional misconceptions spread by various vexatious litigants and more. Here are … Continue reading Mike Holt (CIR NOW)